Articles Tagged with impulsive behaviors

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pexels-neosiam-635356-300x212While some domestic violence stems from systematic patterns of abuse in the perpetrator, for others, the underlying forces aren’t as straightforward. It may be surprising to discover that many acts of domestic violence occur on impulse–simply acting in the heat of the moment without thinking.

Perhaps you’re in such a situation. Maybe an argument with your spouse or partner got out of hand, and things became physical before you had a chance to think. You’ve now found yourself in a situation you never anticipated–under arrest for domestic battery or some other domestic violence offense–realizing that your actions were driven by impulses that felt uncontrollable at the time.

While you must deal with the immediate legal situation, of equal importance is to figure out how to avoid a recurrence of violence. Believe it or not, impulsive behaviors are psychologically driven, meaning they can be identified and tamed with some effort. Recognizing these impulses and learning how to manage them is an essential step in preventing future incidents and finding resolution in the present.

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