Articles Tagged with domestic violence defense los angeles

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pexels-kindel-media-7785089-300x169Being accused of domestic violence can create a great deal of fear and uncertainty about the consequences and how they affect your future. While this is pretty much true for everyone across the board, it’s especially troublesome for those who serve in the military or some type of law enforcement—or those who aspire to such careers. One of the first and most poignant questions asked by domestic violence defendants pursuing these careers is, “How will this incident affect my future in the military (or law enforcement)?”

Unfortunately, the news is not great, especially if you’re convicted of a crime. If you and your attorney can get the charges resolved without a conviction, you can often avoid long-term impacts to your career. But if any of the charges result in a domestic violence conviction, it will likely disqualify you from having a career in law enforcement or the military for the foreseeable future. 

Why a Domestic Violence Conviction Disqualifies You From a Military or Law Enforcement Career

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When thinking about domestic violence, most of us think about the elderly in the context of being possible victims (e.g., elder abuse). But what if you are an older person accused of committing domestic violence? Unfortunately, it can and does happen—and it can be even more traumatic and life-disruptive to be accused as an older person than a younger adult. What are the ramifications you may face? What happens if you’re convicted? Are there special factors the court might consider?

Regardless of whether there is any merit to the accusations, being an older adult accused of domestic violence can give rise to a myriad of complex issues. Let’s delve deeper into this question to see what we can learn.

What Circumstances Could Lead to Domestic Violence Charges Against a Senior?

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pexels-pixabay-35550-300x200Being accused of domestic violence can be highly disconcerting for anyone, but if you are a public figure, such as a professional athlete, politician, CEO, etc., being accused of domestic violence can be particularly damaging to your reputation. You will likely face negative attention from the media during the arrest and investigation process. You may even have to make difficult decisions about leaving your job or resigning from certain positions to protect your name. However, if you find yourself facing charges related to domestic violence in California, there are steps you can take to ensure that you receive fair treatment throughout the process. Let’s discuss how dealing with these charges as a public figure may look different than other people’s experience and provide strategies for navigating through it successfully.

Prioritize Your Family, Not Your Reputation

No matter how famous you are, you are a human being with a human family. Whatever has happened to prompt charges of domestic violence, it has done damage to your family–and your being a public figure may only add to that pain. That’s why, above all else, you need to address this situation as a human first and a public figure second. Prioritize your family, not your public standing. This means admitting responsibility for any wrongdoing and working towards resolving the situation in an amicable and healing way for all family members. Your family deserves understanding, respect, and the opportunity to come to terms with what happened for your relationships to move forward. 

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Social media has become an integral part of our lives and our culture. While it has its benefits—it’s fun to stay connected to family and friends—there’s also a downside. Facts get distorted, ugly rumors spread quickly and some unfortunate person’s life can get turned inside out in a matter of hours.losangeles-domestic-violence-charges

So what happens when you get charged with domestic violence? How do you respond if your accuser takes the story public? Your answer may depend on the truth of the charges against you and what impact the social media statements will have on your personal and professional life.

NOTE: Before you respond in any way, speak with a qualified Los Angeles domestic violence defense attorney as soon as possible. Even seemingly minor mistakes with respect to how you handle the situation online can have profound implications for your ability to fight the charges.

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