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Southern California Medical Fraud Experts React to Tampa Bust

Los Angeles medical fraud analysts are closely following a breaking story out of Tampa that may have broader implications for white collar crime prosecution. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s office staged a raid on a local medical rehabilitation clinic on July 16th and arrested four people in conjunction with an alleged scam to bilk insurers by staging fake car crashes. rico-los-angeles.JPG

The four people busted – Jacqueline Rosales, Sugeidi Serrano, Juan Martinez, and Ernie Azucey — will face charges of managing a racketeering influenced corrupt organization – a.k.a, a RICO. Essentially, according to reports, the individuals staged car crashes and then submitted claims to insurance companies for non-existent damage and medical bills.

If you or a loved one faces a similar charge of Southern California white collar crime, you may have a difficult time formulating an effective defense. After all, charges of Los Angeles insurance fraud, Southern California credit card fraud, racketeering, and medical fraud of any kind tend to be multifaceted, dynamic, and extremely complicated. Unless your attorney has experience dealing specifically with your kind of case, you may struggle to be able to come up with an appropriate response to the charges. In short, you could face jail time and other unpleasant punishments.

To construct a better defense, look to attorney Michael Kraut of the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. for an immediate consultation. Attorney Kraut served for years as a prosecutor of Southern California white collar criminal cases, and he is also Harvard Law School trained. His track record speaks for itself, and he is smart and sympathetic – someone who will compassionately listen to your side and help you craft a strategically focused legal defense.

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