Returning to School (or Life) After a Los Angeles Petty Theft Charge
You never thought it would shake you up so badly, but it has: your Los Angeles petty theft charge has totally “thrown you off your game” and created confusion, panic, and fear about your future. Your fears are not groundless! If you get convicted for two petty theft charges in Los Angeles, for instance, prosecutors can essentially upgrade your charge to a felony. And as you may or may not know, a felony conviction can lead to over a year behind bars. Convicted felons can also be stripped of vital basic rights, including the right to vote in elections. They can also face problems in the future getting housing, employment, credit, you name it.
But let’s put all that aside for a second. Let’s spend some time thinking about how your life may likely unfold in the days and weeks ahead.
On the one hand, you have got this petty theft charge constantly occupying your thoughts. On the other hand, life goes on. Assuming that you are not still incarcerated due to other charges, you may be back at school or your job, and dealing with family stuff, relationship stuff, and all the other errands and logistics that you had on your plate prior to the arrest.
The pending criminal charge is stealing attention from all other facets of your life, though. And if part of your mind is focused on worrying about whether or not you will go to jail, you are unlikely to perform well in the classroom or at work. The distraction itself can become a huge negative force in your life.
So what’s behind it?
The distraction stems from the fact that you haven’t properly integrated the repercussions of the arrest into your life in an effective, organized and complete way. Your arrest has created what productivity guru David Allen might refer to as “open loops” in your life – commitments or obligations to yourself or others that are not yet complete. For instance:
• You may have a commitment to execute an effective defense;
• You may have a commitment to serve penalties or punishments;
• You may have a commitment to protect your freedom by solving the root problem in your life that caused you to violate California’s theft crime laws in the first place.
The arrest and subsequent charges may have created dozens – perhaps many more! – “open loops” in your life. You need to get a handle on those new commitments or obligations if you want to be effective at work, at your job, in your relationships, etc.
You might consider checking out Allen’s Getting Things Done system to understand the methodology that he proposes. But a more straightforward path might be to connect immediately with a Los Angeles petty theft attorney at the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc.. Michael Kraut is a former prosecutor who is respected by his legal peers. He has garnered a remarkable 99% track record at jury trials. Attorney Kraut has the connections, legal know-how, and understanding of complex theft charge cases to get you great results.