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Newport Harbor Coach Will Not Be Charged With DUI After Being Arrested After Returning From Los Angeles

A very well respected Newport-Mesa sports coach who lives in Costa Mesa will not be charged with DUI after he was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence in Costa Mesa after he was driving home from Los Angeles.

Laurence Draluck, 48, the Newport Harbor High School girls’ soccer coach, was pulled over in Orange County after he was driving erratic. Prosecutors declined to file the case stating that there was a lack of evidence. Most likely he was was represented by hiring a pre-filing DUI defense attorney who made sure that they were aggressive about pointing out the lack of evidence. Clearly, money not wasted by me Draluck. Had he been convicted of a DUI he very well could have lost his job.

Los Angeles attorney Michael Kraut
of the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. practices DUI law in the San Fernando Valley and throughout Southern California. For a free consultation and to discuss your DUI case.

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