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Major Changes to Los Angeles DUI Laws Go into Effect: First Time Offenders Must Now Install Interlock Ignition Devices

Starting in 2010, any driver convicted of a Los Angeles DUI will be required by law to install an interlock ignition device (IID) in his or her vehicle. The new law is part of an ambitious pilot program being tested in seven different California counties, including Los Angeles and Tulare (in Northern CA). It will remain in effect until at least January 1, 2016, at which time lawmakers can reevaluate the program and determine whether to continue, expand, or terminate it. The legislation stipulates that first-time offenders must keep an IID in their cars for five months minimum; furthermore, past DUI offenders may obtain a restricted driver’s license — provided that they agree to install IIDs in their vehicles.ignition_interlock-DUI-Los-Angeles.jpg

The IID is a Breathalyzer-like device that prevents a vehicle from starting unless a driver blows a clean 0.00% BAC reading.

In addition to changing Southern California DUI rules, the California Legislature passed a slew of other laws which also went into effect on January 1, including:

Move Over, Slow Down expanded — Drivers must slow down or change lanes when approaching emergency vehicles (such as Caltrans vehicles with flashing amber warning lights) or face stiffer punishments.

Assembly Bill 62 — Californians may now install TV/DVD monitors in front seats of vehicles, provided that drivers cannot see the TV/DVD screens while operating their vehicles.

Paparazzi crack down — Pursuant to complaints from Jennifer Aniston and other celebrities about aggressive paparazzi tactics, CA lawmakers passed a bill that imposes extremely steep penalties ($50,000+) on paparazzi who improperly obtain photos of celebs (for instance, by running red lights or committing other traffic infractions).

Seat-free Bicycles Now Allowed on Freeways — Lawmakers eliminated a law that had banned the operation of seatless bikes on state freeways.

The implications of the changes to these laws — particularly the ones pertaining to Los Angeles DUI and interlock ignition devices — will no doubt be profound and far-reaching.

Do you or a loved one or family member need help battling charges of driving under the influence in Los Angeles?

If so, turn to one of the city’s most trusted and formidable defense attorneys, Michael Kraut of the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc.. Prior to representing defendants, for 14 years Attorney Kraut worked as a senior Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles. He has appeared as a legal expert on national news programs (CNN, Fox, etc.) and earned a 99% success rate on jury trials.

If you have been arrested for a DUI in Los Angeles or you are under investigation for driving under the influence in Southern California, please contact Los Angeles criminal defense attorney Michael Kraut for 24/7 assistance by phone at (323) 464-6453 or toll free at (888) 334-6344 or online.

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