Lewd Conduct in Los Angeles News – Priest Says “Not Guilty” to Accusations that He Exposed Himself at a National Park
Accusations of lewd conduct in Los Angeles can ruin a defendant’s life, even if that defendant manages to get the charges dismissed.
If you recall our blog post earlier in summer about the nearly two dozen men busted for lewd conduct in Manhattan Beach at a beachside bathroom, you may remember the desperately frustrated comments made by the men and their supporters. Why the desperation? Because just having your picture published under the headline “arrested for lewd conduct” can have massive implications for your career, your relationships, and your self-esteem for years to come, since “stuff” on the internet tends to live forever.
Consider these concepts as we talk about the recent arrest of 58-year-old Rev. Feliciano Torres Mofan, who was busted for lewd conduct in an undercover sting operation at China Camp State Park. The Northern California priest just pled not guilty to the misdemeanor lewd conduct charges. Park rangers nabbed in during a sting they launched in response to a proliferation of web posts about sexual liaisons at the park. Rev. Mofan is a retired priest-in-residence at a local church, but he does not teach in any of the parish’s schools.
Obviously, without investigating Rev. Mofan’s case in depth, you can’t really comment on the merits (or lack thereof) of the charges against him. However, understand that there is an enormous spectrum of Los Angeles sex crimes – some are relatively innocuous, especially if they involve consensual actions between adults. Others are truly horrific, especially when they involve lack of will or children or other helpless people.
The law does entitle everyone to a defense, but if you have committed a lesser or more mild offense, you might find yourself frustrated by the fact that you could be lumped in with other more hardcore sex offenders.
No matter what kind of charges you face, consider connecting with the team here at the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. for an insightful, effective defense strategy. Mr. Kraut was a prosecutor of Southern California crimes, so he knows how the prosecutors who will be handling your case think. Get in touch with Mr. Kraut and his team to defend your rights and explore your legal possibilities.