Fighting Medicare Fraud in Los Angeles Pays Off, Big Time, for Federal Government
A new study shows that the federal government’s vigorous campaign against Medicare fraud in Los Angeles and beyond is paying off — big time.
Over the last three years, the government has returned $7.90 for every $1 invested into the anti-fraud mission. This marks the highest ever return for the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program, a nearly two decade old program, and federal officials are crowing about the numbers. Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of Health & Human Services, said “our historic effort to take on the criminals who steal from Medicare and Medicaid is paying off. We are gaining the upper hand in our fight against healthcare fraud.”
The antifraud initiative is a collaboration between the Department of Justice and HHS. The Obama administration has lent lots of help to soup up this program and deliver more results. Over the past four years, federal officials recovered nearly $15 billion from scam artists, executives, doctors, pharmaceutical companies, vendors, and others who masterminded or acted complicit with fraudulent schemes. That’s nearly double the amount recovered over the previous four-year period.
Why has the effort to fight Los Angeles Medicare fraud been so successful?
Sebelius and Eric Holder (the U.S. Attorney General) spread the credit around. They cited better screening and enrollment requirements, better data sharing, improved oversight of insurance companies, better automated screening systems, and the expansion and systemization of the Medicare Fraud Strike Force Team.
This news is good news for America and for the healthcare system. But if you or someone you care about stands accused of healthcare fraud in Southern California or some other Los Angeles white collar crime, you’re probably scared for your future, your professional reputation, and your family’s welfare.
The team here at the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. can help you understand exactly what your Los Angeles healthcare fraud charges mean and what you can do to respond in an effective, thorough way.
When doctors, chiropractors, dentists, and other healthcare professionals come under investigation for these types of charges, they often make errors or omissions that massively complicate their legal situations. Play it smart. Get in touch today with the Southern California white collar defense team at the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. for insightful guidance and a free consultation about your case. Mr. Kraut is a Harvard Law School educated former prosecutor who has extensive experience fighting complex healthcare fraud charges.