Examples of Lewd Conduct in Los Angeles (and Elsewhere) Illustrate the Profound Extent of Your Challenge as a Defendant
If you’ve been accused of a sex crime or lewd conduct in Los Angeles – even for something relatively “minor” – the consequences for your future could be dire and permanent.
Not only could you face jail time and a criminal record, if you’re convicted, but you could also find the “sex offender” label permanently affixed to your name. This designation will make it more difficult for you to find work, find a place to live, find friends, and generally live your life. Even if the wrong you committed was only on a small scale – i.e. you didn’t assault or harm anyone – you could still wind up with a sex offender label.
Here are two cases to illustrate the severity of your trouble.
1. Last Tuesday, a man in Radnor, Pennsylvania got arrested at a grocery store, after surveillance cameras caught him committing an indecent act and exposing himself on aisle 10.
A female customer also observed the man; she told the grocery store employees, who alerted the police, who then arrested the suspect, Jonathan Roseman, for committing a lewd act.
2. Meanwhile, nearby in Washington D.C., 46-year old Jurelle V. Turner pled guilty to committing misdemeanor obscene acts.
The elementary school teacher had sent an obscene message to a 12-year old girl via Facebook last August. According to prosecutors, he sent her a video with a girl with her hands inside her pants tagged with the comment “is this girl playing with herself or masturbating at school?”
Turner tried to challenge some aspects of the charges – for instance, he said that the 12-year old posted the video on his Facebook page first and he simply had responded to it. But he did not try to make excuses: “I said what I said, I did what I did…my apologies go out to the student and her family…I am a good person, and I love children, and I just made a poor decision.”
His contrition aside, Turner may still face half a year in jail, a fine of $1,000, and a requirement to register as a sex offender. Needless to say, it’s unlikely that he will be allowed to teach at his old school, either.
Your capacity to manage your Los Angeles lewd conduct charges depends in large part on your ability to formulate an effective strategy that includes a positive vision of success. You also need practical “rubber meets the road” guidance regarding what to do – and what not to do – to prepare effectively for the legal challenges ahead.
The team here at the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. in Los Angles has extensive experience assisting with complex sex crime and lewd conduct cases in Southern California. We can help you understand your rights and your responsibilities and develop an efficient and sound battle plan.
Your life may feel frustrating, out of control, and overwhelming right now, but it won’t always be like that. Trust attorney Kraut – a former prosecutor and Harvard Law School educated attorney – to help you begin to turn things around and meet this extraordinary life challenge with extraordinary skill and compassion.