Articles Posted in DUI

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A Pomona California city councilman and candidate for mayor has been arrested last week for DUI and being under the influence of alcohol. Elliot Rothman was arrested during the evening hours and was released after he posted $5,000 bail

Rothman was pulled over by a Pomona police officer after the license plate light on Rothman’s jeep was not working. After pulling him over, the officer smelled alcohol from inside the vehicle. After Rothman failed the field sobriety tests, FSTs, administered by the officer, he was taken into custody,

In an unusual move, the Pomona Chief of police was called to the scene and personally transported Rothman to jail. Other then that, there was no other special treatment reportedly given to the Councilman

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Shia LaBeouf will not face DUI charges for his car accident in Hollywood this past July. The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office stated that there was insufficient evidence to charge the 22 year old star of “Eagle Eye” and the latest installment of the “Indiana Jones” movies. At the time of his accident the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department stated that he rolled his truck and seemed “impaired” after the crash. It is well known that immediately after the accident and he was taken to the hospital, where he stayed for several days due to an injury to his hand. While he was there he hired a pre-filing Los Angeles criminal defense attorney.


Shia LaBeouf refused a breathalyzer test at the scene of the crash, and was taken to the hospital where he remained for several days. Because the actor refused to take the breathe test, he could face a DMV hearing that could result in his driver’s license being suspended for up to 9 months. But I am sure that because of good solid legal advice and the fact that he hired a DUI defense attorney immediately his license will not be suspended.

The Sheriff’s Department stated that the accident was not LaBeouf’s fault and the District Attorney’s Office is still considering charges against the two other people involved in the accident.

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This past Saturday night actress Heather Locklear, well known for her starring role in Melrose Place, was arrested for driving under the influence of drugs near Los Angeles. The press is reporting that the former spouse of Bon Jovi was seen driving erratically when leaving a parking lot. She was later found by a CHP Officer stopped and blocking a highway in an upscale neighborhood.

As the CHP Officer spoke to Ms. Locklear, he noticed that she appeared under the influence of prescription drugs. She was arrested and booked for suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs.

California Vehicle Code Section 23152 makes it illegal to drive under the influence of either drugs or alcohol. Many people believe that the drugs must be illegal. That is not true. The code only requires that the person driving the motor vehicle be operating the car under the influence of a drug or alcohol.

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Movie star and actress Mischa Barton, 22, recently admitted that she checked herself into rehab after her December 2007, arrest for DUI in Los Angeles. Barton stated that by checking herself into rehab that it helped her get a reduced sentence. She stated that:

“It really helped in getting the more serious aspects of my case dropped because, you know, that’s what they want to hear; you’re not an alcoholic and you don’t have a problem.”

In April, 2008, with the use of a Southern California criminal defense attorney, Ms. Barton pled out the DUI case for 36 months of probation, fines and alcohol education classes.

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