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Can a Senior Citizen Army Stop the Onslaught of Medicare Fraud in Beverly Hills (and Beyond)?

Whether you’re a doctor, chiropractor or dentist accused of Medicare or insurance fraud in Beverly Hills – or a concerned citizen who’s tired of the system’s wastes and unfairness – check this out!senior-citizen-medicare-fraud-patrol.jpg

The federal government loses approximately $60 billion a year, due to waste and fraud in the Medicare system. The Affordable Care Act — a.k.a. “Obamacare” — aims to tackle some of this fraud by turning beneficiaries into “fraud fighters.” Approximately 50 million people use the health insurance program to pay bills, buy medicines and deal with their health issues.

Unfortunately, many beneficiaries are sick, undereducated, or otherwise “mentally foggy” – they may be unable to recognize or report fraud or waste.

To empower these seniors, Medicare will provide larger, easier to read Medicare summary notices as well as easy ways to report any suspicious activity – such as the 1-800 Medicare Hotline and the website

Authorities recommend that seniors pay close attention, if they spot unfamiliar provider names or get billed for office visits that they didn’t go to.

When a Medicare beneficiary discovers a problem, he or she should call the healthcare provider, who should then report it to Medicare, if the discrepancy can’t be explained. This simple system has helped the government recover nearly $15 billion in the past few years. The Senior Medicare Patrol — a volunteer group of around 5,000 people — helps seniors understand their benefits and avoid fraud.

Unfortunately, well meaning providers can easily get caught up in this dragnet and wind up facing devastating charges, like Beverly Hills Medicare fraud or Beverly Hills insurance fraud. These can lead to criminal penalties as well as to license suspension. As a national program manager for Senior Medicare Patrol, Rebecca Kinney, put it: “Most [cases] are mistakes or misunderstandings. Very rarely do we come across something that looks like fraud.”

If you stand falsely accused of Southern California Medicare fraud – or if you did do something wrong, and you’re not sure what to do next — trust the experienced, compassionate, and results-driven team here at the Kraut Law Group Criminal & DUI Lawyers, Inc. to provide insight and advice. Call attorney Kraut today to schedule a free consultation and begin the process of clearing your name.

If you have been arrested for a crime in Beverly Hills, please contact Beverly Hills criminal defense attorney Michael Kraut for 24/7 assistance by phone at (323) 464-6453 or toll free at (888) 334-6344 or online.

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