Blended families, often called stepfamilies, combine two sets of family histories, traditions, and relationships under one roof. While these families often offer a chance for a new start, they may also face unique challenges that complicate daily life. California law does not differentiate in its approach to domestic violence in…
Articles Posted in protective orders
What Happens After I Am Arrested for Domestic Violence in California?
California is known for having some of the strictest domestic violence laws in the nation. If you find yourself arrested for domestic violence–whether it’s for simple domestic battery or something more serious like criminal threats or corporal injury–there’s a high probability that you will spend some time behind bars, even…
Do I Need an Attorney if I’m Charged With Domestic Violence in California?
Facing a domestic violence charge in California can be a deeply unsettling and even frightening experience. The immediate whirlwind of legal complexities and the potential for life-altering consequences might leave you overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. Even so, perhaps in your mind, this is just a misunderstanding of an…
Seeking Treatment When Addiction Leads You to Commit Domestic Violence
Addiction and domestic violence are two complex issues that, unfortunately, often intersect–and more often than you might think. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that as many as 55 percent of all domestic abuse incidents occur after the perpetrator was drinking–and surveys of domestic violence victims suggest that number is…
What Happens to Family Pets in a Domestic Violence Case?
When it comes to domestic violence, most of us think of it mainly in the context of what is happening to the victimized spouse/partner and how to keep any children safe from the threats of violence. We don’t often consider the question: what about the pets? One long-overlooked aspect of…
Lessons About Domestic Violence from “Maid”
The reality of domestic violence in our world—and more specifically, the process of moving on from domestic violence– as recently found its way back into the national conversation with a popular new TV series on Netflix, Maid. Based loosely on the memoir of domestic violence survivor Stephanie Land, Maid depicts…