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Articles Posted in domestic violence defense attorney


Do I Need an Attorney if I’m Charged With Domestic Violence in California?

Facing a domestic violence charge in California can be a deeply unsettling and even frightening experience. The immediate whirlwind of legal complexities and the potential for life-altering consequences might leave you overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. Even so, perhaps in your mind, this is just a misunderstanding of an…


After a Domestic Violence Arrest: Lessons to Learn from Nonviolent Communication

If you’ve been recently charged with domestic violence, your life could become quite complicated very quickly, especially if convicted. However, this time can also be a teaching moment—an opportunity to step back from this dark chapter and learn a more productive way of thinking and communicating. The reasons why we…


Domestic Violence in the News: Most Notable Stories of 2017

By most accounts, 2017 has been a particularly turbulent year. From political upheaval at home to nuclear threats abroad; from devastating hurricanes to fires; from mass shootings to Harvey Weinstein (and dozens more exposed and felled by #metoo); it seems like one headline continues to outdo the next. Amid all…

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