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Articles Posted in Batterer’s Intervention


Breaking the Family Cycle of Abuse

If you’ve recently been arrested in California for domestic battery, making criminal threats, or other forms of domestic violence, you may be asking a question that is remarkably common among domestic violence defendants: “How did I get here?” In reality, even if you are aware you crossed a line, you…


What Happens After I Am Arrested for Domestic Violence in California?

California is known for having some of the strictest domestic violence laws in the nation. If you find yourself arrested for domestic violence–whether it’s for simple domestic battery or something more serious like criminal threats or corporal injury–there’s a high probability that you will spend some time behind bars, even…


Seeking Treatment When Addiction Leads You to Commit Domestic Violence

Addiction and domestic violence are two complex issues that, unfortunately, often intersect–and more often than you might think. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that as many as 55 percent of all domestic abuse incidents occur after the perpetrator was drinking–and surveys of domestic violence victims suggest that number is…

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