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Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Blog


Everything You Wanted to Know about Motorcycle DUIs in California

Here in California, motorcycles have become a highly popular alternative to driving an automobile. Some people use them for their work commutes because of their fuel efficiency and ability to navigate through heavy traffic. Others use them simply because they are fun to ride. Unfortunately, some people also ride motorcycles…


What You Need to Know About California’s Expanded Ignition Interlock Device Program

On January 1, 2019, California became the 33rd state to expand its ignition interlock device (IID) program. Enacted by Senate Bill 1046, the new law aims to deter repeat DUI offenses by requiring repeat offenders to install IIDs in their vehicles, as well as giving first-time offenders an alternative to…


How Do Different Prescription Drugs Affect Your Driving?

You weren’t at a party. You weren’t at a bar. You hadn’t even had anything to drink. You were just driving to the store for groceries, or maybe to pick up your child from soccer practice. Perhaps you feel just a little drowsy. A policeman pulls you over because he…


DUI and Hit-and-Run in California: Making a Bad Situation Much Worse

Hopefully you never put yourself in a situation like the following scenario, but for the sake of discussion let’s consider it: Suppose you’ve been out with friends for the evening. You’ve had a couple of drinks, and while you might be flirting with the legal limit, you feel in control…


How Technology May Reshape DUI Prevention and Enforcement in the Next Decade

Imagine that you’ve spent some time at a bar or at a party with friends. You’ve had a couple of drinks, but you don’t feel particularly tipsy—so when you leave, you get into your car thinking you’re safe to drive home. Your car, however, doesn’t seem to cooperate. Either it…


A Look at DUI in Pop Culture (Part 1)

These days, the term DUI almost always has a starkly negative connotation attached to it. In an earlier time, however, pop culture essentially winked the eye at driving under the influence. Comedians of the day would feign intoxication for a laugh or offer a sideways remark toward Dean Martin—who despite…


3 Compelling News Stories About DUI From the 2010s

When you get pulled over by police and asked to perform a field sobriety test, the issue of DUI becomes very real to you and affects you directly. However, sometimes it helps to put the topic in a greater context. How has DUI enforcement changed over the years? How does…


What Happens if You Resist Police During a DUI arrest? Lessons from Vince Vaughan’s Story

“You can’t arrest me, I’m a rockstar.” –Sid Vicious Getting arrested on suspicion of DUI is not a pleasant experience. Resisting the police, however, almost always makes a bad situation worse. As a case in point, let’s look at the recent charges against 48-year-old actor Vince Vaughn. On the early…


Round Up of Wild (and Instructive) DUI Stories–Fall 2018 Edition

“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn’t.” –Mark Twain One of the most common tactics utilizes to try and dissuade people from DUI is to describe what could happen if someone gets behind the wheel while intoxicated. In reality,…


What Is the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS)?

In almost every industry and field, technology continues to disrupt old systems and open up new pathways for advancement. None more so than in the field of law enforcement, where researchers, inventors and tech geniuses are working on more advanced tools not only to enforce DUI, but also to prevent…

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