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Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Blog


Driver Arrested for DUI on Golden Gate Bridge: Amazing Footage Captivates Nation

Some Los Angeles DUI crashes are more “picturesque” than others. Most people enjoy visiting the Golden Gate Bridge, but few tourists actually drive Ford Mustangs onto the bridge and get stuck there, even if they’re driving under the influence of alcohol. Unfortunately, this is exactly the position 44-year-old Daniel Soto…


Los Angeles DUI Blog Reflects on Xzibit’s Honeymoon DUI Bust

Our Los Angeles DUI blog has reported on dozens (hundreds?) of celebrity DUI arrests over the years, but each new story offers us an attempt to explain critical laws and concepts to defendants and their families. Our aim is not necessarily to discuss and promote these stories salaciously but rather…


16 Los Angeles DUI Convictions… Is That Too Many?

At what point should the law say “enough is enough” when it comes to Los Angeles DUI arrests or convictions? Obviously, almost any person – no matter how vigilant or careful – can make a misstep or can find himself or herself in the wrong place at the wrong time.…


When Police Do Bad Things During Los Angeles DUI Stops – Like Shoot Dogs

LAPD officers engage in the dangerous work of patrolling our streets and stopping drivers suspected of Los Angeles DUI and other crimes. Without these courageous men and women, it is absolutely true that our surface streets and freeways would be more dangerous and more people would die and get hurt.…


Not a Good Idea to Do While Driving DUI… Gunning It the Wrong Way on the 405

Try to imagine the worst place to drive DUI in Los Angeles. If you said “the 405,” you would probably have a lot of people who would agree with you. The 405 is notoriously clogged with Sig alerts and other nasty types of traffic not just during business rush hour…


Cake Boss Celebrity Busted on DUI Charges

Los Angeles DUI charges involving celebrities inevitably attract ridiculous amounts of attention from the press and from the lay public – and for understandable reasons. We look up to celebrities, even if they became famous because of bad behavior or brash, outstanding opinions. Celebrity DUI arrests also force us to…


Some Los Angeles DUI Crashes Are Worse Than Others – This One Involved Seven Vehicles!

Many people think about Los Angeles DUI accidents or incidents in a monolithic fashion. In other words, a DUI is a DUI. However, as anyone who has dealt hands on with these types of cases can tell you, DUIs are incredibly diverse. For instance, some incidents involve people who are…


Michael Phelps’ DUI Trial Postponed Until December

Even if your Los Angeles DUI story wound up in the news because you did or said something ridiculous to the police or got involved in a serious or fatal accident, you probably will not get nearly as much media scrutiny for what you did as will mega-Olympian, Michael Phelps.…


Los Angeles DUI Checkpoints Abounded in Koreatown Last Weekend

LA Weekly regularly keeps tabs on Los Angeles DUI patrols and checkpoints, to the ire of some law enforcement officials and others who worry that publicizing news about checkpoints can have a negative impact on the deterrent. One of the reasons why police establish checkpoints at relatively random locations is…


Demetrius Cherry, Defensive End for Arizona State, Arrested for DUI – Are Football Players Really Prone to More DUIs than the Rest Of Us?

Los Angeles DUI blogs like this one are inevitably attracted to stories about celebrity DUI arrests. But is our coverage biased? Do NFL players, for instance, get arrested for crimes like DUI at unsually high rates? Over the weekend, police in Tempe Arizona arrested Demetrius Cherry, a junior defensive end…

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