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Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Blog


Cop Faces Higher Penalties under Michigan’s “Super Drunk” Law

A blood alcohol content reading of .08 or higher is enough to get you charged with a DUI in Los Angeles. You face the same penalties whether or not your BAC is .09 or .16. But that’s not the case in Michigan. The Great Lake State has what’s commonly referred…


DUI Defendant Drives to Liquor Store during Court Recess

Most people accused of a DUI in Los Angeles would make a point of making a good impression when their cases comes up for trial. That would include, of course, coming to court sober. Ignore that basic rule, and you could find yourself in even more trouble. Just ask Patricia…


Cops Get Volunteers Drunk for Field Sobriety Tests

Ever wonder how much training a police officer gets before administering a field sobriety test to a driver suspected of DUI in Los Angeles? Are they really qualified to make a judgement about whether or not someone is really impaired? How much experience do they have in determining who is…


Tweeting DUI Drivers Cause Fatal Accidents in Florida

There are a few things that drivers should never do before or during their time behind the wheel. One is imbibing to excess; others include tweeting or texting while they’re on the road. (Anyone charged with a DUI in Los Angeles could suffer some additional legal problems if they’re also…


Case Dismissed: DUI Charges Thrown Out of Court

Anyone charged with a Los Angeles DUI hopes that the charges get thrown out of court and that they’ll go free without any repercussions to their jobs and their lives. That doesn’t happen as often as defendants would desire, but here are two cases from other states that demonstrate that…


No Alcohol Sales to DUI Drivers?

How much is too much when it comes to punishing drivers caught driving under the influence? People who have lost family members or suffered serious injuries in a Los Angeles DUI would probably argue that the current laws don’t do enough to discourage driving under the influence. But people who…


Driver Could Spend Half Century in Jail after DUI Conviction

When someone’s convicted of a DUI in Los Angeles for the third or fourth time, the penalties can be steep and include up to 16 months in state prison. If a death resulted from that DUI, the punishment for the offender can rise to five years in jail. But California’s…


“Smiley Face” Driver Faces Extended Jail Time

Getting pulled over for a DUI in Los Angeles is nothing to smile about. Neither is causing an accident in which someone is killed. Twenty-five-year-old Michael J. Vanwanger of Coons Rapid, Minnesota, who posted a smiley face on Facebook after his involvement in a fatal accident, may spend some of…


Are DUI Drivers a Threat to the Power Grid?

Most drivers arrested for a Los Angeles DUI prefer keeping the legal proceedings quiet to avoid possible employment and social repercussions. But when an alleged DUI driver hits a utility pole, knocking out power to hundreds or thousands of people, it can be harder to keep the arrest under wrap.…

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