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Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Blog


Police and the DUI Driver and the City

Police officers are constantly on the lookout for drivers whom they can charge with a DUI in Los Angeles. So the last thing that impaired motorists usually want to do is to call attention to themselves and their driving. But in two recent cases, that’s just what happened—once accidentally and…


Los Angeles DUI Cases in Question

Hundreds of drivers found guilty of a Los Angeles DUI are getting another (unwelcome) day in court. An investigation by county prosecutors and the FBI has revealed that a former court clerk may have fixed as many as 1,000 DUI and other misdemeanor traffic cases, deliberately reducing or wiping out…


Southern California Runway DUI – Yikes

While police have arrested drivers on a lot of different roads for a DUI in Los Angeles, it’s doubtful that they have often gone to the tarmac at Los Angeles International Airport. But cops in San Diego had to head to their own city’s airport when they needed to make…


DIY DUI Checkpoint

You can never tell what someone will do when they’re operating under the influence. Police who deal with drivers accused of Los Angeles DUI can probably tell many stories about motorists trying to flee, becoming belligerent and/or fabricating some pretty creative excuses about why they shouldn’t be arrested. But it…


Colorado Gets Tough on DUI Drivers

California has some pretty tough consequences if you’re convicted of DUI in Los Angeles; if you’re found guilty of the offense a fourth time within ten years you can face a possible felony as well as up to five years in jail. Until recently, Colorado had some of the laxest…


New Hampshire DUI Defendants Could Go Free

Anyone arrested for a DUI in Los Angeles has probably wished that the charges against them would just disappear. That just might happen in the case of several drivers who were picked up for DUI in New Hampshire. Television station WMUR 9, located in Manchester, reports that attorney John Durkin…


Unusual DUI Arrests: Early Summer Edition

As the weather gets warmer, the circumstances surrounding arrests for DUI in Los Angeles and other cities seem to get a little stranger. Here’s a look at two such arrests during the past few weeks. Cops are accustomed to finding open beer and alcohol bottles when they pull over a…


Maybe This DUI Arrest Will Make a Good Play

Although California sees more than its fair share of celebrities arrested for DUI in Los Angeles, the latest high-profile case actually took place in the Land of Enchantment. (That’s New Mexico, in case you’re not up on state nicknames). Actor/playwright Sam Shepard had been out to dinner on Monday, May…


GPS Leads DUI Drivers Where They Didn’t Want to Go

GPS is usually a pretty handy tool for people to have when they’re driving—especially if they’ve imbibed enough alcohol to get them arrested for a DUI in Los Angeles. It’s a lot easier to have a device calling out the directions than to read them on a map when your…


Lawyers Face Disbarment for Setting up DUI Arrest

Three lawyers apparently thought that they could win some favor with a jury by arranging a DUI arrest for the attorney opposing them. It’s unlikely that any recent case of DUI in Los Angeles has as convoluted a back tale as this one. It all goes back to 2012-2013, when…

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