Some people claim that full moons can influence people in strange ways, causing unusual behaviors around the time that they appear. July 2015, with its two full moons (the second is known as a blue moon), saw more than its share of unusual DUI stories from around the country. (No…
Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Blog
Sometimes Money Doesn’t Talk [Can You Bribe Away a DUI Charge?]
A Los Angeles DUI may earn a first-time intoxicated driver a brief stint in jail and a hefty fine. But if you throw in a theft charge and attempted bribery, the consequences could be a lot more severe. A 25-year-old California man, Michael Kelly, may soon find out just how…
DUI Drivers Lose Their Shot at Parent Of The Year
Drivers arrested for a Los Angeles DUI won’t win any medals for good conduct. But they do open themselves up to strong condemnation when they put their children at risk by loading them into a vehicle and then driving under the influence. Unfortunately, newspapers throughout the U.S. report this kind…
Racing to Jail: A Terrifying DUI Story
Police officers frequently cite motorists arrested for DUI in Los Angeles for related offenses such as speeding and running red lights. In Los Banos, California, one motorist’s behavior recently resulted in another far more grievous charge—vehicular manslaughter. ABC 30 reports that 20-year-old Marcus Perez-Negrete and 19-year-old Casey Giannone had spent…
Second Down on DUI for former NFL Player
Quarterbacks in the NFL typically have a lot of room to run. But one former NFL player, Donovan McNabb, will be looking at much closer quarters for three months if a recent second arrest for a DUI holds up in court and he ends up in jail. It’s too bad…
DUI Driver Damages Dwelling – Astonishing Story of Destruction
Local TV and newspapers frequently report on DUIs in Los Angeles or other incidents where motorists smash into homes, restaurants or other buildings. It’s usually an accidental encounter. But when Cheri Tenney ran her vehicle into her home, it appeared to be very deliberate. Tenney, who lives in Seminole, Florida,…
DUIs Spark Arrests Over Holiday
Police officers patrolling Los Angeles County highways found little to celebrate over the Fourth of July holiday weekend. From Friday, July 3rd at 6 p.m. through midnight July 6th, they made 229 arrests for DUI in Los Angeles County and dealt with the aftermath of accidents that killed two people.…
Switching Seats to Fool Cops into Thinking You Didn’t Drive DUI: Unsurprisingly, It Doesn’t Work!
As this blog has documented over the years, people try a lot of crazy approaches to avoid being charged with a Los Angeles DUI. Some cry. Others flee the scene. Still others try to talk their way out of the charges. One ploy that doesn’t work too well, however, is…
Drug DUI Defendants Take Note: Pot Can Linger in Your Body for Days
Police use relatively simple tests to determine whether or not to charge someone with a DUI in Los Angeles. If a motorist’s blood alcohol content measures higher than .08 percent on a breathalyzer or blood test, that person will likely soon be visiting a local detention center. But police face…
TV Anchors Making DUI News [Themselves]
When you report the news—whether you’re describing a fire in Chicago or a high-profile arrest for DUI in Los Angeles—you don’t want to end up as a story on the 6 p.m. broadcast. But that’s just what’s happened to a couple of TV reporters in the last few weeks. On…