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Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Blog


DUI Driver [and Would Be Rapper] Gets Life Without Parole for Accident That Killed 4

Although drivers convicted of DUI in Los Angeles sometimes face harsh sentences, those jail terms rarely approach the time a judge gave to a man in Austin, Texas, for a March 2014 DUI incident. Rashad Owens, 23, an aspiring rapper, had been driving while intoxicated and without his vehicle lights…


Arrested for a Los Angeles DUI and Worried about Jail Time? [This DUI Driver Had an Eerie Premonition]

Drivers charged with a DUI in Los Angeles rarely dress like they expect to go to jail. But in the early morning hours after Halloween, police in South Carolina picked up one motorist who apparently had a premonition of where he’d be spending the night. Fox Carolina reported that an…


Three-Time DUI Driver Flees Hospital After Fatal Crash

A driver convicted three times of a DUI in Los Angeles would probably lose his/her license for some period of time. But taking someone’s license away doesn’t always stop his or her from driving, especially if that driver refuses to learn from past mistakes. Police in Baltimore, Maryland, had to…


Prosecutor Avoids Jail Time For Second DUI

If a government prosecutor pleaded guilty to a charge of DUI in Los Angeles—for the second time in less than two years—would that prosecutor go to jail? Would someone who wasn’t as well connected end up behind bars? While there’s no way to tell what might happen in Los Angeles,…


So Your Son Got a Los Angeles DUI Charge…

Whether your 16-year-old son disobeyed your explicit instructions and tooled wildly around Sunset Blvd. with his friends, or your college-age-son at UCLA or USC picked up a Los Angeles DUI charge after a big football tailgate, you’re equal parts enraged, sad, confused, and desperate. Hopefully, your son didn’t hurt anyone…


Lessons about Los Angeles DUI Law from Kerfuffle Over the U.S. Dietary Guidelines

If police recently stopped you on Fairfax or La Brea for speeding and driving under the influence in Los Angeles, odds are that your plate is pretty full. You are probably not thinking too much about global or national issues. Rather, your focus (understandably) is on what you can do…


DUI Drivers Pose Danger to Dwellings: Crashing into Houses Not a Smart Move

Vehicles driven by motorists suspected of Los Angeles DUI often end up in unseemly places — smashed against light posts or walls or discarded, broken in the wrong traffic lane. But such drivers sometimes come to a halt only when they run up against something much bigger… like the side…


Murder Charges Likely for DUI Driver Accused of Killing His Wife

While motorists arrested for DUI in Los Angeles frequently cause serious injuries to other drivers or pedestrians, they rarely do so with an intention to inflict harm. But a man driving under the influence in Las Vegas not only hit a close family member with his car—on purpose—but he also…


Driver Broadcasts Her DUI Live on Periscope: Not a Good Idea

People arrested for a DUI in Los Angeles don’t always display the best judgment. But if you want proof that excessive alcohol consumption can cause you to do dumb things, consider this story from Lakeland, Florida, where a woman practically begged to be arrested. According to WMAZ Channel 13—and media…


Meth DUI Changes Cyclist’s Life

Innocent bystanders often suffer from the results of a Los Angeles DUI. They may lose their lives or receive an injury from which they never fully recover. Juan Carlos Vinolo and a group of bicycle enthusiasts were enjoying a ride on Fiesta Island in San Diego on August 12, 2014.…

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