Small words can have a big impact. Just ask the thousands of drivers in Missouri who could see their DUI convictions thrown out of court thanks to the substitution of “or” for “and” in the instructions for Breathalyzer calibration. If a judge made a similar ruling regarding DUIs in Los…
Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Blog
Will Public Shaming Discourage DUI Drivers?
Although some arrests for DUI in Los Angeles get big play in the media—especially if there’s some celebrity or prominent politician involved—most drivers manage to keep their incidents fairly private. But some communities in the U.S. believe that publicizing the names of people charged with DUI will help discourage…
Sentence Too Light for Denver DUI Driver?
People tend to have pretty strong opinions when they hear about particularly horrendous accidents involving Los Angeles DUI drivers. It’s no different in Denver, where an e-letter on the Denver Post website complains about the light sentence meted out to a woman who killed another motorist in a DUI accident…
Pulled From Pond, Arrested For DUI
An arrest for DUI in Los Angeles or any other jurisdiction isn’t a good way to start a new year. But a woman in Oswego, Illinois, found herself in hot water on January 1st thanks to a little too much celebrating on New Year’s Eve. Paula Mason, age 50, apparently…
Illinois DUI Drivers Get License Back Faster
If the court convicts you of DUI in Los Angeles three or more times in 12 months, California’s Vehicle Code Section 13351 requires that the DMV suspend your license for three years. Illinois used to have similar license suspension laws for multiple DUI offenders, but a new state law has…
Driver Cites Body Chemistry to Beat DUI Charge
An unusual medical condition enabled a woman in Albany, New York, to avoid conviction for driving under the influence. It makes you wonder whether people will start making appointments with their doctors as well as their lawyers after police charge them with DUI in Los Angeles. ABC 7 News in…
California Lawmakers Extend DUI Driver Mandates
A law that went into effect on January 1, 2016, will impact—at least for another year—all drivers convicted of a DUI in Los Angeles. The California legislature has extended for the next 12 months a pilot program in four counties (Alameda, Los Angeles, Sacramento and Tulare) that requires installation of…
Three of 2015’s Craziest DUI Stories
Every year, crazy driving under the influence stories go viral because of their shock value. As the year draws to a close, some pretty interesting stories come to mind. Here are three of the craziest DUI stories 2015 has to offer: 1. A young woman uses Periscope to live stream…
Fiery Crash Demonstrates the Dangers of DUI in Los Angeles
Occasionally, a DUI in Los Angeles and its surrounding areas impacts the local community in ways that have permanent ripple effects. Cases in which someone loses his or her life, in particular, can change the contours of families or entire communities. It’s cliché to say things like “a bad decision…
Close Calls In School Bus and Truck DUIs
Driving a school bus full of kids and/or a truck full of flammable liquid should be challenge enough for anyone. But some drivers with commercial licenses apparently like to take risks with their lives and the lives of others. How else can you explain the fact that they drive with…