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Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Blog


Oddball Encounters with Houses Halt DUI Drivers

Some Los Angeles DUI drivers manage to evade police officers who try to stop them. Others collide with other cars but continue on their way missing a fender or a front headline. But when a DUI driver smashes into someone’s home, that encounter is usually enough to halt the progress–one…


Unsuccess Leaves Clues: What DUI Drivers Leave Behind [For Instance: a Headless Vulture!]

Pro tip: People who want to avoid charges for a DUI in Los Angeles (or for other criminal charges) should avoid gifting police officers powerful evidence against them. In Tumwater, Washington, on May 17th, police charged 32-year-old Christopher Rieg with hit and run and with driving under the influence. Reportedly,…


A Round Up of Shocking High-Profile DUIs in May 2016

Police arrested thousands of people for DUI in Los Angeles and other cities throughout the country this month. Here are a few that made national headlines. •    Authorities in Orlando, Florida, reported that they picked up a minivan with five underage teens—including a 17-year-old driver—obviously under the influence. This traffic…


Driver Gets 26 Years to Ponder Consequences of Fatal Crash That Occurred Just Hours After DUI Conviction

Some drivers never seem to get the message about the dangers of DUI in Los Angeles, no matter how many times they face arrest, pay fines or waste days or weeks (or longer) in jail.   A judge in Nashville, Tennessee, gave a local DUI defendant plenty of time to…


Affluenza Teen Going to Jail for Fatal DUI

A Texas judge has finally sent Ethan Couch, the “affluenza” teen, to jail. Most drivers convicted of a deadly Los Angeles DUI would have been grateful to receive Couch’s original sentence—10 years’ probation for causing four deaths while DUI. But Couch didn’t appreciate the break he received. Judge Wayne Salvant…


When Should a Marijuana High Equal a Los Angeles DUI?

Blood alcohol content serves as a determining factor when police decide whether or not to charge someone with DUI in Los Angeles. If a breathalyzer and/or blood test shows a reading of .08 or higher, the driver will likely face a charge of driving under the influence. But a May…


Oakland DUI Drivers Avoid Checkpoints On May 5th

Should people of Irish ancestry complain about planned checkpoints for DUIs in Los Angeles on St. Patrick’s Day? In Oakland, California, at least, their protests could have an impact if the local department’s actions regarding Cinco de Mayo DUI checkpoints are any indication. A press release, “Fiesta Time of Jail…


Judge Goes to Jail with DUI Offender – Why?

Defendants who go to court charged with a Los Angeles DUI may anticipate a lecture from the judge who hears their cases. They likely would never anticipate, however, is that the judge would sentence them to jail… and then spend the time behind bars with them! Stories in North Carolina’s…


Could Big Changes to Los Angeles DUI Law Be Coming? [New Tests for Non-Alcohol DUI]

Police in California may soon have a new weapon in their efforts to get DUI drivers off the road. The state legislature is considering authorizing the use of a device that measures levels of marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines and pain medications (including opiates). The push to get the new device approved…


Arizona Supreme Court Rules: One Word Wrong–No DUI Charge

When police officers charge drivers with Los Angeles DUI, they must take great care when booking people to avoid violating their Fourth Amendment rights. Even simple, seemingly trivial mistakes in protocol can mean that an otherwise justified arrest won’t stand up in court. To that end, the Arizona Supreme Court…

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