When you have the right app, your cell phone can be a handy tool in helping you avoid a DUI charge. • Planning a night out with friends? There are apps that will help you estimate your blood alcohol content and provide a rough estimate of your BAC based on…
Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Blog
DUI Hit-and-Runs on the Rise? Why, and What Can Be Done?
Los Angeles County saw an alarming increase in the number of hit-and-run crashes in 2015, the last year for which statistics are available. According to a report from the NBC4 I-Team, the California Highway Patrol reported that the county experienced more than 28,000 such crashes in 2015. The report also…
False Positives And Other Outlandish DUI Arrests
Have you heard the one about the driver who was arrested for DUI because he had a caffeine high? Or about the state legislator who successfully argued that cough syrup and a breath spray caused a false positive DUI breathalyzer reading? While law enforcement officers and courts generally accept breathalyzer…
Powerful Resources to Deal with the Problem of Domestic Violence
As someone recently accused of domestic violence charges, you’re no doubt acutely aware of the challenges faced by victims. Whether you stand falsely accused of hitting a spouse or partner, or whether you took an action against someone you love that you profoundly regret, it’s important to empathize. After all,…
Could Mindfulness and Meditation Reduce Domestic Violence?
Breaking the cycle of domestic violence has been difficult. Studies have shown that even the most widely-used program for domestic abuse intervention, the Duluth Model, has not been successful in reducing the rate of recidivism for violent offenders. But there is one approach that might be more successful. Although they…
Rehab Programs After Your DUI: A Comprehensive Guide to the Treatment Options (with Statistics)
The police recently picked you up for DUI—maybe even for the second or third time—and you’re finally ready to admit that you have an alcohol problem. You know you need assistance, but where do you go to find it? And how do you know which program is most likely to…
Texting While Driving vs. DUI: Dangerous Consequences, Unequal Penalties
Most drivers today are conscious of the harm they can do by getting behind the wheel after drinking and driving. But what about after texting and driving? Text messaging makes a crash 23 times more likely to happen. (Dialing a cell phone increases crash risk by 2.8 times; talking or…
DUI Training for LAPD Officers: How It Can Impact Your DUI Case
How do officers working for Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) determine whether they should stop someone for a DUI? All LAPD officers receive substantial training that helps them understand what to look for when patrolling L.A.’s freeways and surface streets for dangerous drivers—and drivers who might be under the influence.…
Dealing with Social Media After Domestic Violence Charges
Social media has become an integral part of our lives and our culture. While it has its benefits—it’s fun to stay connected to family and friends—there’s also a downside. Facts get distorted, ugly rumors spread quickly and some unfortunate person’s life can get turned inside out in a matter of…
The Reasons Behind Risky DUI Behaviors
“Come on, it’ll be okay. You haven’t had that much to drink. And anyway, I’ve seen you drive after you’ve had six or seven beers—you’ll do just fine.” Ever had a conversation like that with a friend when you’ve been out socializing for the night? Chances are that you’ll yield…