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Articles Posted in truck DUI


Police and the DUI Driver and the City

Police officers are constantly on the lookout for drivers whom they can charge with a DUI in Los Angeles. So the last thing that impaired motorists usually want to do is to call attention to themselves and their driving. But in two recent cases, that’s just what happened—once accidentally and…


Colorado Gets Tough on DUI Drivers

California has some pretty tough consequences if you’re convicted of DUI in Los Angeles; if you’re found guilty of the offense a fourth time within ten years you can face a possible felony as well as up to five years in jail. Until recently, Colorado had some of the laxest…


Caught Driving a Truck While DUI in Los Angeles? Will You Lose Your License?

If you drive a commercial vehicle, and you got busted for DUI in Los Angeles, you may face more than just the “work-a-day” DUI punishments – jail time, fines, loss of your license, probation, mandatory interlock ignition installation, etcetera. The arrest and potential conviction can derail or potentially end your…

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