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Articles Posted in Property Crimes


Exactly What Not to Do After a Los Angeles Petty Theft

If you or a friend has recently been arrested for petty theft in Los Angeles, odds are, in sober reflection, you probably wouldn’t have made the same decisions that landed you where you are. We all make bone-headed decisions, from time-to-time. One case out of Milwaukee, however, takes this concept…


A Fun Way to Deter Petty Theft in Los Angeles – Lessons for the Accused, Too

If you’ve been arrested for petty theft in Los Angeles – due to shoplifting, stealing an item from work, or something along those lines, you are probably pretty frightened about what’s going to happen to you. How will you deal with the fallout, such as jail time, mandatory restitution, a…


The Los Angeles Medicare Fraud News: The Sad Case of a Temple University Dean’s Fraud Charge

Most people really do not understand what is likely to be a defendant in a Los Angeles Medicare fraud case. While the general public has some sympathy for people who commit crimes like petty theft or white color crimes or even some certain kinds of insurance fraud, most people have…


Massive Medicare Fraud Strike Force Arrest Over 100 in Los Angeles and Beyond

107 people were apprehended for healthcare fraud in Los Angeles, Chicago, Tampa, Baton Rouge, Miami, Houston, and Detroit the week before last. Investigators allege that the defendants (in total) are responsible for around $450 million in illegal Medicare bills. Wow. As this blog and other sources have reported, the Obama…


Los Angeles Not So Petty “Petty Theft”: “Don’t Do Me Like That,” Says Tom and His Heartbreakers

Last Thursday marked the resolution of one of the most talked about stories of petty theft in Los Angeles this year. And by “petty theft” we don’t mean the stealing of an item that’s of trivial monetary value. We’re talking about the theft of legendary rocker Tom Petty’s property –…


Understanding Your Own Southern California Medical Fraud Scheme

If you are under investigation for Southern California medical fraud – or if you have already been arrested and charged – your big concern is: What comes next? How can you construct an effective, ethically coherent defense to the charges against you? Will you be able to save your business…


Returning to School (or Life) After a Los Angeles Petty Theft Charge

You never thought it would shake you up so badly, but it has: your Los Angeles petty theft charge has totally “thrown you off your game” and created confusion, panic, and fear about your future. Your fears are not groundless! If you get convicted for two petty theft charges in…


Why Your Los Angeles Lewd Conduct Charges Are So Scary and Unnerving…

You recently got arrested for lewd conduct in Southern California. Perhaps you were the hapless victim of a police sting operation at a men’s room. Perhaps you face a battery of charges, including other Los Angeles sex crime counts. In any event, you are almost certainly intimidated by your legal…


Will Your Los Angeles Medicare Fraud Charges Cost You $43 Million, Too?

If you have been hit with a Los Angeles Medicare fraud charge, you are probably frightened about the penalties that potentially lie before you. But no matter what your outcome, you will almost certainly pay less than the bill just handed to Tenet Healthcare for overcharging Medicare – a whopping…


Los Angeles Petty Theft — Literally! — Someone Stole Tom Petty’s Guitars!

The vast majority of stories about Los Angeles petty theft have nothing to do with the famous singer and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, Tom Petty. But on April 12, someone allegedly stole five of Petty’s guitars! Technically, the crime is not considered Los Angeles petty theft. After…

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