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Articles Posted in Mental Health


Taming Impulsive Behaviors that Can Cause Domestic Violence

While some domestic violence stems from systematic patterns of abuse in the perpetrator, for others, the underlying forces aren’t as straightforward. It may be surprising to discover that many acts of domestic violence occur on impulse–simply acting in the heat of the moment without thinking. Perhaps you’re in such a…


Can an Undiagnosed Mental Illness Trigger Domestic Violence?

If you’ve been arrested or charged with domestic battery, criminal threats, or other forms of domestic violence, the one thing that could make matters worse is not understanding how or why it happened. How, exactly, did you get here? Perhaps you have some anger issues, but you never expected an…


The Science Behind Abuse—Part 1

A domestic violence arrest can impact your life in many ways. It can jeopardize your job, traumatize your family, and separate you from the ones you love. But beyond triaging the immediate crisis of dealing with the court process, the underlying question is how to prevent domestic violence from repeating.…

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