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Articles Posted in Medical Fraud


Criminal Defense for Medical Professionals Accused of Crimes in California

Medical professionals dedicate their lives to caring for others, but navigating the complexities of California’s healthcare laws can sometimes lead to unanticipated legal challenges. Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other providers may sometimes find themselves susceptible to criminal charges, even in cases involving unintentional mistakes, misunderstandings, or false accusations. These situations…


Los Angeles Drug Crime Charges for Dr. John O. Dimowo for Prescribing Prescription Drugs

Today, we’re going to examine a disturbing Los Angeles drug crime article in the Los Angeles Times that profiled Dr. John O. Dimowo. This Southern California doctor allegedly prescribed narcotics, like Xanax, Vicodin and Adderall, to undercover agents who didn’t need the medications. Dr. Dimowo was the subject of a…


Can a Senior Citizen Army Stop the Onslaught of Medicare Fraud in Beverly Hills (and Beyond)?

Whether you’re a doctor, chiropractor or dentist accused of Medicare or insurance fraud in Beverly Hills – or a concerned citizen who’s tired of the system’s wastes and unfairness – check this out! The federal government loses approximately $60 billion a year, due to waste and fraud in the Medicare…


Southern California Healthcare Fraud Nets “Dr. J” Wijegunaratne 27 Months in Jail

A Southern California healthcare scam involving wheelchair fraud has netted 58-year-old Dr. Sri J. Wijegunaratne 27 months behind bars. “Dr. J” was found guilty of Medicare fraud back in April. Our blog reported on Dr. J’s co-defendant, Godwin Onyeabor, who recently got sentenced to 51 months behind bars for his…


What Laws, Exactly, Did Your Los Angeles Health Care Fraud Violate?

Whether you’re just being investigated for healthcare fraud in Los Angeles, or whether police already raided your facility and booked you under some very scary sounding charges, you’re feeling out of control and out of the loop. What crimes, exactly, might prosecutors charge you with? And what can you do…


Southern California Medicare Fraud News: Son Blows Whistle on Dad’s Company, Could Get Slice of $1 Million Settlement

What makes a Los Angeles Medicare fraud story newsworthy? • Is it the sheer amount of fraud involved? • Is it the number of people allegedly harmed by deception? • Is it the stress that the case puts both on the Medicare system and on the court system? • Is…


Fascinating Medicare Fraud Case: Cincinnati Doctor Sued For $11 Million in Unnecessary Surgery, but Dr. Durrani Vigorously Denies Charges

Medicare fraud cases in Southern California (and elsewhere) can start to sound pretty similar to one another, especially if you report on these crimes month after month, year after year, as we’ve done on this blog. But every once in a while, a riveting, different kind of story bursts through…


Los Angeles Healthcare Fraud Scheme Was Big, But Strike Force Took Him Down

The annals of Los Angeles healthcare fraud are filled with astonishing tales. As an expose in Los Angeles Weekly recently described in vivid detail, con artists, tricksters and “good doctors turned to bad” have engaged in diverse shenanigans to pilfer funds from the federal government’s coffers. But few schemes hold…


Yet Another Guilty Verdict in a Major Los Angeles Medicare Fraud Case (This Time, for $1.5 Million)

A federal jury just convicted 49-year-old Godwin Onyeabor and two confederates of scheming to defraud Medicare in Los Angeles to the tune of $1.5 million. Onyeabor, who had been working for a San Bernardino company, Fendih Medical Supply Inc., paid kickbacks to another doctor and healthcare professional to write fake…


Journaling to Understand Your Los Angeles Medicare Fraud Charges

Ever since Federal investigators got on your case (and potentially even charged you) for healthcare fraud in Los Angeles, news commentators and observers have been calling you things like “mastermind” and “criminal conspirator.” You certainly don’t think of yourself in those terms. In fact, you’re feeling pretty scared, bewildered, and…

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