Your Los Angeles healthcare fraud charges are pretty severe. You could wind up paying massive fines and restitution as well as serving a big stint behind bars. But how does your case stack up against this one? 48-year-old Sandra Little (of Reno) and 65-year-old Susan Hill (of Las Vegas) recently…
Articles Posted in Los Angeles Warrants
Lewd Conduct in Los Angeles Charges? 4 Actions Can Torpedo Your Case…
If you’ve recently been investigated or arrested for lewd conduct in Los Angeles, you’re likely feeling terrified, overwhelmed, and isolated. In this fraught state, odds are high that you will make one of the following 4 errors that could make your situation much more painful, legally complicated, and generally annoying.…
Los Angeles Petty Theft Cases Can Get Quite Strange. (But This Story Out of Wisconsin Has to be One of the Strangest Yet of 2013)
Los Angeles petty theft cases are often curious — not just because of the legal complexities and the “drama” — but also because of the fascinating “stuff” people choose to steal. For instance, in 2012, it suddenly became very popular for people to steal bottles of Tide and then sell…
Not a Good Situation: 35-year-old Mom Hit with Nearly a Dozen Lewd Conduct Charges and Could Face Life Behind Bars
The trickiest things about facing a Los Angeles lewd conduct charge (or sex crime charge anywhere) is breaking the news to friends and family. A criminal charge is always embarrassing and unpleasant to discuss. But some charges are worse than others. Consider, for instance, the very serious charges facing 35-year-old…
Yuck. Were Your Los Angeles Sex Crime Charges as Disturbing as This Teacher’s?
Whether you were arrested in a Manhattan Beach bathroom on lewd conduct charges or charged with some other sex crime in Los Angeles, you nevertheless still think of yourself as a pretty decent guy (or girl) who made a misjudgment. You almost certainly resent being categorized among other more serious…
Analysis of Two Instructive Los Angeles Theft Cases
If you stand accused of a charge like grand theft or petty theft in Los Angeles, pay attention to the following analysis of two recent news stories: their lessons could prove valuable as you construct your defense. Our first case concerns 36-year-old Veronica Niko of Lancaster, who recently pled guilty…
What You Must Do Before You Build a Defense to Los Angeles Medicare Fraud Charges
Whether you’ve been charged with Medicare or Medi-Cal fraud in Los Angeles — or any other fraud or white collar crime in Southern California — you’re at high risk of making a vital mistake that could complicate your case before you begin. That mistake is this: You might fail to…
Your Los Angeles Sex Crime Case Is Complex. But Everyone’s Already Painted You as the “Bad Guy” (Or “Bad Girl”)
Los Angeles sex crime defendants often find themselves isolated, even from close family and friends, because of the salacious nature of the allegations. Whether you stand accused of sending an untoward, sexually-provocative email to a high school student; or whether the police arrested you for soliciting an undercover officer at…
Disgusting Los Angeles Medicare Fraud News — in More Ways than One!
As a doctor, chiropractor, dentist, or other health provider who has come under investigation for Los Angeles Medicare Fraud, you may be embarrassed by what you did… or by what authorities allege that you did. But you also likely resent being classified as a criminal. For instance, you probably don’t…
After You’ve Been Arrested/Investigated for Medicare Fraud in Los Angeles: Like Waking from a Dream
Getting charged with Los Angeles Medicare fraud can change your life — and not in a good way (but not necessarily in a totally bad way, either!) Defendants often go through a period of epiphany or powerful reflection after being accused. This can be disconcerting. If you’ve recently been arrested…