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Articles Posted in DUI


Lindsay Lohan’s Los Angeles DUI Arrest Warrant Quashed By The Beverly Hills Judge

The judge in the Lindsay Lohan Southern California DUI case was given incorrect information resulting in an arrest warrant for her arrest. Judge Marsha Revel was not given all of the information when she signed the warrant. The Los Angeles DUI defense attorney immediately went into court and corrected the…


Shia LaBoef Looses Driver’s License After Los Angeles DUI

Super star actor Shia LaBoef was previously arrested for a DUI in Southern California in July of 2008. He immediately hired a pre-filing Los Angeles DUI criminal defense attorney who was able to meet with local law enforcement and prosecutors. These actions by his Southern California criminal defense attorney benefited…


New Beginning for Los Angeles and Southern California Criminal Law

As we see the beginning of a new President and Vice President for the United States, we will most likely see a new beginning for criminal prosecutions for Los Angeles DUIs and Southern California criminal law. Already the new administration has claimed that there will be a clamp down on…


Charles Barkley Is Off the Air After He Gets A DUI, Now He Must Be Careful Due To The Severe Penalites Resulting From A Drunk Driving Conviction

Basketball great Charles Barkley is going off the air after he is arrested for a DUI. While he was arrested in Scottsdale, Arizona, the legal limit for DUI is the same there as it is for a Los Angeles and Southern California DUI, .08 percent blood alcohol. For personal reasons…


Christmas and Holiday Wishes From Los Angeles and Southern California

I want to wish everyone in the Los Angeles and Southern California area who reads or is redirected to this Los Angeles and Southern California Criminal Defense Blog a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah. This blog is now six months old and I am pleased that it seems to have…

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