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Articles Posted in Child Custody


When Accidental Injury to a Child Leads to False Accusations of Domestic Violence

As parents, we love our children and never want to see them hurt. If a child is injured due to an accident, we naturally feel a sense of guilt and worry. But if an innocent accident somehow leads to false accusations of domestic violence or child abuse, it can be…


Accused of Hitting Your Kids? Here’s How the State of California May Respond

In the state of California, if you are accused of child abuse (specifically, hitting your child abusively), your world could immediately be put into upheaval. California’s stance on child abuse is to provide immediate protection for the child first (by removal or restraining orders, if necessary), then investigating and pursuing…


Habits and Behaviors that Can Contribute to Domestic Violence – Part 1

Perhaps you’ve recently been arrested and charged with domestic violence. Maybe you’re even facing a protective order forbidding you to see your spouse or your kids. Maybe things just got out of control. Maybe it’s not the first time, and maybe you’re having trouble figuring out why. The key to avoiding a…


Domestic Violence in Nontraditional Families – Part 1

One key characteristic of domestic violence is that it doesn’t play favorites. In other words, there is no particular family type, age bracket, income bracket, or geographic location that cannot be touched by it. Domestic violence is an epidemic, and it can impact families of any race or ethnicity, rich,…

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